Screenplay: Joo Joostberens

Research: Joo Joostberens

Cinematography: Joo Joostberens

Sound Recorder: Michał Joostberens

Sound Editor: Natalia Sikorska, Bart Putkiewicz

Editor: Joo Joostberens

Music: Polskie Znaki

Producer: Aia Ase

Production Company: Aia Asé Pictures

Distribution/sales: Michael Treves / JMT Films Distribution, co-productions



"Goodbye, My Wonderful World" reflects on a topic that is still taboo in our society: Why are we running away from death? Can you prepare for the death of a loved one? Who can act as a "mourning companion"? The movie tries to answer these and many other questions.


1970, Poland


I'll Build Your House, Goodbye My Wonderful World, I am Max


Festivals and Awards:

Krakow Film Festival, Poland

DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival, Azerbaijan

Polish Film Festival Los Angeles, United Sates

Grand Prix: Feature Documentary; Budapest Movie Awards, Hungary